January 12, 2015 | By:
Man Swarm

Coming Soon~The Second Edition of Man Swarm

Dave Foreman, OverpopulationThe first edition of Man Swarm and the Killing of Wildlife is a great book on the overpopulation crisis. It addresses the major issues related to overpopulation and population growth, and unlike other books in this topic area, boldly takes an ecological stand on immigration and its reform in the United States as part of the solution. Also unlike other population books, it lays out action steps readers can take to put the brakes on population growth.

Why a second edition? 

Foreman wrote the first edition to reach the conservationist community, and now wants to widen that scope – a lot. Partnering with Dave Foreman, editor Laura Carroll has streamlined the first edition to create a second titled Man Swarm: How Overpopulation is Killing the Wild World to reach a much wider lay person readership, from those in their reproductive years, to school principals, governors, Congresspersons, even every world leader. Foreman and Carroll want to get this book into the hands of all who care about the future of America and the planet so they will not only understand but accept the truths of overpopulation and population growth, and be stirred to take action.

The new edition will be available later this month! Stay tuned…


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