Rewilding Action Center
This page is dedicated to the latest action alerts where you can make a difference for wild lands and wildlife. When urgent, timely issues come up that need a response from us, we post them here. Be sure to watch for new action alerts with instruction on how you can help by commenting, calling, or petitioning.
Paul Winter’s Winter Solstice Celebration Tour in the Northeast
Paul Winter’s Winter Solstice Celebration Lebanon Opera House, Lebanon, New Hampshire December 16, 2024 The Flynn, Burlington, Vermont December 17,[...]
Conservation Groups Demand Justice after Mexican Wolf near Flagstaff Found Dead
Recently, a pair of Mexican wolves were discovered in excellent habitat with abundant prey northwest of Flagstaff, north of I-40.[...]
A Critical Action to Finalize the Net Pen Ban in Washington State Waters
In November 2022, Commissioner Franz announced a new executive order prohibiting commercial net pen aquaculture on state aquatic lands of[...]
Proposition 127: Prohibit Bobcat, Lynx, and Mountain Lion Hunting in Colorado
Proposition 127: Prohibit Bobcat, Lynx, and Mountain Lion Hunting A YES vote on Proposition 127 will prohibit bobcat, lynx, and[...]
A Message from Captain Paul Watson inside Nuuk Prison
"Justice Delayed is Justice Denied" Written by Captain Paul Watson inside Nuuk Prison October 2, 2024 Today is my 73rd[...]
Register for Voice of Nature Conversations
Talking Rivers is hosting a series of three community conversations, in which we invite participants to discuss how we can[...]