Bob Howard, Rewilding Leadership Council

Bob Howard
Bob (Robert E.) Howard, M.D., Ph.D., is a retired medical school professor, retired consultant, and 50- year environmental activist. He was on the medical faculty at Washington University (St. Louis), University of Colorado (Denver), University of Texas Medical Center at San Antonio, and University of New Mexico (Albuquerque). His medical computing consulting clients ranged from Connecticut to San Francisco Bay. He held many and varied leadership positions in the Sierra Club, at local, state, regional, national, and international levels.
Perhaps the most important were serving as Vice President for Planning for over a decade, and serving on the national Board of Directors for four years as Vice President (with conservation oversight) and two years as Treasurer. At home in New Mexico he worked primarily on Wilderness designation and protection.
Bob worked with Dave Foreman and Dave Parsons in the initial founding of The Rewilding Institute in 2003, and as a Conservation Fellow. Bob speaks and writes on conservation policy, wilderness and natural systems protection, biodiversity, and habitat connectivity.
Bob was one of the founders of the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance in 1997, served as Chairman the first four years, and on the Board of Directors for ten years. Bob also served as President of the Wildlands Project and on it's Board of Directors. He has worked directly or consulted on about a dozen wildland network designs.