November 10, 2020 | By:
Deer Creek tributory to Escalante © Dave Foreman

Conservationists Push for Quick Reversal of Damaged Environmental Rules

“First 100-Days Challenge” Delivered to New Administration

The vast list of damaging environmental policy changes enacted without congressional approval by the Trump administration is about to get major attention from the conservation community. According to a just-released campaign by the Rewilding Institute (TRI) called “Healing Nature’s Wounds,” endorsed by a significant list of national environmental groups, the top 25 most harmful of those changes will be targeted for reversal within the first 100 days of the new administration. TRI’s Wildlands Coordinator, Kim Crumbo, summed up the campaign: “Our new president, along with the rest of us, now has the opportunity and obligation to heal the many wounds inflicted during the long nightmare of the Trump regime.”

“We are in the process of delivering a petition to the new administration that identifies the top 25 rule changes that must be reversed to their original intent due to their extreme threats to the health of our environment,” said John Davis, TRI executive director. He pointed out that such rule reversals can be done in fast order because, just as in the case of Trump’s executive orders, no congressional approval is required. “The First 100 Days is plenty of time for such reversals to occur and we challenge the new administration to immediately take action,” says Davis.

The list of the top 25 damaged rules and the justifications for their reversals is available on TRI’s Healing Nature’s Wounds site at along with the list of campaign endorsers committed to carrying out the delivery of the requests to the appropriate federal departments and agencies. New sign-ons to the challenge continue to be encouraged by filling out the form on the website.

“Never before have we seen such egregious attacks on our bedrock environmental protection laws and policies, and on wild nature herself. We urge President-Elect Biden to give his new department and agency heads a green light to move forward in the first 100 days to restore these environmental protections that nature needs and Americans want and deserve,” says TRI’s campaign organizer David Parsons.

Featured Image: Deer Creek tributary to Escalante © Dave Foreman

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David White
4 years ago

The first 100 day challenge is terrific. Great work formulating those 25 demands. One wishes it were not so easy for a single individual to make such sweeping changes in the first place but, at this juncture, it seems to offer a path for Biden to rectify some of the awful damage.

Do you want individual signers?

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