Continental Conservation:
Scientific Foundations of Regional Reserve Networks
Edited by Michael E. Soulè and John Terborgh

For The Wildlands Project
In 1997, Michael Soulè and John Terborgh convened a conference for The Wildlands Project where two-dozen of North America’s leading conservation biologists discussed the research and theory behind rewilding and continental-scale conservation. The book, Continental Conservation: Scientific Foundations of Regional Reserve Networks, is the direct product of that conference. It is the essential reference and guide for how conservation practitioners—citizen activists, conservation biologists, agency professionals, and landowners—can protect and restore wild Nature in North America. Anchored by two visionary, uncompromising clarion calls for bold conservation on a grand scale by Soulè and Terborgh, topics include:
- The Policy and Science of Regional Conservation
- The Issue of Scale in Selecting and Designing Biological Reserves
- The Role of Top Carnivores in Regulating Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Regional and Continental Restoration
- Core Areas: Where Nature Reigns
- Connectivity: Maintaining Flows in Fragmented Landscapes
- Buffer Zones: Benefits and Dangers of Compatible Stewardship
- Why We Need Mega-Reserves—and How to Design Them
In addition to Soulè and Terborgh, contributors include many of the leading conservation biologists in the world: Hector Arita, Diane Boyd-Heger, Eric Dinerstein, Rudolfo Dirzo, Dan Doak, Andy Dobson, James A. Estes, Mercedes Foster, Steve Gatewood, Barrie Gilbert, Michael Gilpin, Martha Groom, Deborah B. Jensen, David Johns, Richard L. Knight, Carlos Martinez del Rio, Dave Mattson, Brian J. Miller, L. Scott Mills, Lisa Mills, Elliott A. Norse, Reed F. Noss, Paul Paquet, Katherine Ralls, Sadie Ryan, J. Michael Scott, Daniel Simberloff, and Steve Trombulak.
Continental Conservation is scientifically solid but is also readable and understandable for the nonscientist. The Rewilding Institute is honored to offer Continental Conservation for sale directly through our website.
“A conservation library without Continental Conservation isn’t fit to be called a conservation library.” --Dave Foreman
$29.00 postpaid from The Rewilding Institute. Island Press, 1999.
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