May 28, 2017 | By:

Development stopped at Wolf Creek Pass!

From Rocky Mountain Wild, May 26, 2017


We won the case for Wolf Creek pass!

When our coalition of conservation organizations entered the courtroom to present oral arguments in the pending lawsuit in front of the Honorable Richard P. Matsch in late April, the courtroom looked a little bit like David and Goliath. On one side of the courtroom, there were seven lawyers for the Forest Service and the Leavell-McCombs  Joint Venture; on our side, two lawyers, Matt Sandler from Rocky Mountain Wild and Travis Stills of Energy and Conservation Law. But after a month of anxious anticipation, the coalition was handed a decision on Endangered Species Day that brought some to tears – tears of joy. Judge Matsch decided in our favor, nullifying the controversial land exchange at Wolf Creek pass.

Judge Matsch’s ruling

The controversy of a sweeping land exchange at Wolf Creek pass has been an ongoing saga for decades as most of you know. The Court ruled on May 19 that the Forest Service had the authority to protect the National Forest and limit the Leavell-McCombs Joint Venture development – a large scale commercial and residential “village” to accommodate 8,000-10,000 people – but opted not to use it. The Court also recognized that political influence and pressure played a key role in the exchange since its inception.

Most importantly to us, the Court recognized the environmental values of the exchanged land in its decision. Judge Matsch invalidated the Forest Service land exchange decision, which gave Texas billionaire Red McCombs, land that is critical for the survival of the Canada lynx and that serves as a wildlife corridor linking two major Wilderness areas without a proper environmental analysis.

“What NEPA requires is that before taking any major action a Federal agency must stop and take a careful look to determine the environmental impact of that decision, and listen to the public before taking action,” Judge Matsch wrote in his decision. “The Forest Service failed to do that in the Record of Decision. The duty of this Court is to set it aside.”

The Friends of Wolf Creek react to the win

“This ruling is an incredible victory for the flora and fauna that rely on Wolf Creek pass for their survival,” stated Tehri Parker, Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Wild. “This order specifically recognizes the ‘unique’ environmental qualities of this region, and the role that it plays  as a wildlife movement corridor between the Weminuche and South San Juan Wilderness areas.”

“Wolf Creek is precious to people in southwest Colorado. Thank you to Judge Matsch for recognizing the enormous wildlife and natural resources at risk from the proposed resort development. This decision gives us the chance to get it right,” said Jimbo Buickerood of San Juan Citizens Alliance. “We look forward to working with the Forest Service to make sure we find a solution that keeps Wolf Creek Just the way it is for everyone’s benefit.”

Additional information:

Press Release: “Federal Judge Sets Aside Forest Service Wolf Creek Land Exchange” Article in The Durango Herald: “Federal judge halts Village at Wolf Creek land swap,” Article in Summit County Citizens Voice: “Federal judge nixes Wolf Creek development scheme,” Article by the Associated Press: “Judge Blocks Land Deal for Development at Colorado Ski Area”

It is likely that the Level-McCombs Joint Venture will challenge the ruling with an appeal, but for now, we are so happy with this solid win.

Thank you for supporting the fight to keep Wolf Creek Pass wild! #NoPillage

Chris Talbot-Heindl, Rocky Mountain Wild, Communications & Membership Manager, Phone: 303-546-0214, or email ch***@ro***************.org

P.S. If you want to follow us on social media, we do have a Facebook page, which has up-to-date information from at Friends of Wolf Creek partners.

P.S.S. Consider making a donation to the Friends of Wolf Creek. Select “Friends of Wolf Creek” in the “Direct My donation” drop-down.

P.S.S. We still have some No Pillage at Wolf Creek bumper stickers, that are going to become a collectors item! If you would like one sent to you, please email Chris with your name, mailing address, and how many you would like sent, and we will send you some. While supplies last.

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Jeremy Wallace
7 years ago

Awesome to hear! I’ve been working in Pagosa Springs for the Summer and really enjoy hiking around Wolf Creek Pass. It would be a shame if it was filled with condos and development.

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