July 31, 2020 | By:

Episode 56: Kathleen Fitzgerald on African Wildlife Conservancies and the State of Wildlife Protection Funding During the Pandemic

Conservation Capital, Business Consulting Africa Division, Rewilding Leadership Council

About Kathleen

Kathleen is a conservation leader recognized for her extensive experience in integrated large landscape conservation and development programs in Africa and North America. Kathleen has lived in Africa for 12 years. She was a senior staff member of the African Wildlife Foundation for 11 years, most recently serving as Vice President for East and Southern Africa. She also serves as a member of the Rewilding Leadership Council.

She now leads Conservation Capital’s Business Consulting Africa division focusing on increasing revenue for protected area management and wildlife conservation. She serves as Senior Conservation Advisor to AWF.

Kathleen has helped create new conservation areas, improve management of protected areas, established innovative public, private partnerships and led community conservation initiatives. She managed climate mitigation and adaptation programs and completed dozens of land transactions in North America and Africa.


  • Challenging times for parks and conservancies in Africa who depend primarily or completely on tourism dollars to fund rangers and programs meant to protect African widlife and landscapes.
  • Innovating funding ideas to broaden parks and conservancies’ funding sources.
  • What’s really behind all the neat photos of lions lying in the middle of the road and the seeming break that wildlife is getting during the pandemic?
  • How you can help support African wildlife conservancies and parks.

Extra Credit

The Maasai Mara Wildlife Conservancies Association (MMWCA) is a Kenyan commitment, to conserve the greater Maasai Mara ecosystem, through a network of protected areas (conservancies and conservation areas).

Conservation Capital develops financial and business driven solutions to support the world’s most important conservation areas.

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