May 28, 2021 | By:

Episode 74: The Role of B Corporations In Conservation And Communities With Keith Bowers

keith bowers

Keith Bowers, Biohabitats founder

About Keith

In the early 1980s, an outdoorsy, nature-loving undergrad named Keith Bowers had an epiphany. Keith had been studying landscape architecture at the University of Virginia when he met Ed Garbisch, a pioneering practitioner of marsh restoration along the Chesapeake Bay.

“Wait a minute,” thought Keith. “I can apply my education to restoring the places I love?”

After graduating in 1982, Keith started Biohabitats, an ecological restoration company. 36 years later, with a mission to “restore the earth and inspire ecological stewardship,” Biohabitats has become one of the most recognized names in ecological restoration and conservation.

  • Why conservationists need to work more tightly with companies to achieve the lofty goals ahead.
  • What is a B Corporation or “B-Corp?”
  • Why we can’t wait for regulations to force businesses to do the right thing.
  • How to be a profitable while giving back to the planet, workers, and communities.
  • Environment, people, and business as “nested” pieces of a whole, rather than business as usual.
Extra Credit
  • Benefit Corporations – A benefit corporation is a legal tool to create a solid foundation for long term mission alignment and value creation.
  • B-Corps (Biohabitats B-Corps score) – Certified B Corporations are a new kind of business that balances purpose and profit. They are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment. This is a community of leaders, driving a global movement of people using business as a force for good.
  • 1% for the Planet (Biohabitats) – 1% for the Planet is a global movement inspiring businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions through annual memberships and everyday actions.
  • JUST – Just is a nutrition label for socially just and equitable organizations.
  • Biohabitats 2019 Annual Benefit Report – The annual benefit report is the backbone of a benefit corporation, as it shows how Biohabitats is creating a public benefit.
  • Headwaters – A Guide to Biohabitats’ Benefits, Policies and Cultural Practices
  • Earth Charter – The Earth Charter (EC) is a document with sixteen principles powering a global movement.
  • Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth – Rights of Nature is the recognition and honoring that Nature has rights.
  • Teal Organization – A Teal organization is an organizational theory that advocates worker’s self-management, promotes inner wholeness and embrace an evolutionary purpose

A reminder of what’s at stake, how we got here, and who’s business it is:

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3 years ago

Fascinating. Thanks Keith and Jack.

Christopher Shipley
3 years ago

Mr. Bowers got his BSLA at WEST Virginia University. Not the University of Virginia. (Let’s gooooooooo Mountaineers!)

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