NM Wild Invites Applicants for Nancy Morton Internship 2022
New Mexico Wild is now inviting applicants for their Nancy Morton Wilderness Internship Program. (You can learn more about Nancy by reading TRI’s tribute to her here.)
This internship will focus on two areas of New Mexico Wild’s Work: Public Outreach/Engagement and Wilderness and Public Lands Stewardship work. This internship is intended to give young aspiring conservationist the opportunity to gain hands on experience working in the field and in the community to achieve important public land protection objectives. The right applicant will have a passion for the outdoors with relatable experience.
Job Responsibilities and Duties
- Coordinate volunteers for various events and projects
- Represent New Mexico Wild Publicly at tabling events
- Membership and Volunteer Recruitment
- 30X30 Wilderness Ambassador Program work
- Creative ideas for events and public engagement
- Assist with Online Hiking Guide
- Assist rangers in New Mexico Wilderness and Public Land areas
- Backcountry camping and hiking
- GIS and mapping experience
- Work with agencies and volunteers to complete important stewardship work in the field
Pay Rate: 13$/hr
To apply fill out the form here.
The New Mexico Wilderness Alliance is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) grassroots organization dedicated to the protection, restoration, and continued enjoyment of New Mexico’s wildlands and wilderness areas. Founded in 1997, we achieve our mission through administrative protection, federal wilderness designation, and ongoing stewardship. We have a membership of individuals from all corners of New Mexico and across the nation. Our organizing efforts span the state and involve many diverse groups, including ranchers, sportsmen, land grants, acequia communities, tribal and religious leaders, scientists, youth, and community leaders. We are the only statewide wilderness group in New Mexico with a proven track record of building diverse coalitions to protect our public lands.