May 11, 2021 | By:
Jaguars - Libélula and Angel (c) Northern Jaguar Project

Northern Jaguar Project: Jaguar Cub on Video

We are thrilled to introduce you to the newest cub on the Northern Jaguar Reserve. Angel was born last year and is approximately five months old in the photo above. This tiny jaguar’s mother, Libélula, is the oldest-known female in the region.

Angel is the very first cub – of the seven cubs on our motion-triggered cameras to date – that we have captured on video, seen below walking with Libélula on the Northern Jaguar Reserve. ​We have been waiting many years for this glimpse of a cub in motion, and what a gift it is. This the first time we have seen a jaguar cub in motion, and the only cub video we are aware of in the northern range.


More about Northern Jaguar Project

Renowned for their power, strength, beauty, and grace, jaguars are vanishing throughout the Americas. Nowhere is this more apparent than the U.S.-Mexico borderlands.

The Northern Jaguar Project was formed fifteen years ago to safeguard jaguars in this region from poaching and habitat destruction. At the heart of their work is the 86-square-mile Northern Jaguar Reserve, a remote, rugged, and exceedingly wild landscape where a small breeding population of these wild cats survives.

Over the past 15 years, NJP has photographed more than 70 different jaguars, including females and their cubs. The reserve provides a place of refuge from which these mother jaguars can raise their young free from harm, and the accompanying biodiversity can thrive.

Beyond the reserve, NJP works with ranchers, schools, and rural communities to build tolerance and reduce human-wildlife conflicts.

We invite you to learn more about Northern Jaguar Project’s work and to support the reserve’s guardianship, expansion, and outreach among those living in jaguar country. Visit

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Bruce Morgan
3 years ago

Dear fellow Wildfolk:

I was interested in learning more about the Northern Jaguar Project, but when reading the article I was disappointed that there was no information whatsoever pertaining to the location or specifics of the project. It is always good to get good news , but what I expect from the ReWilding project is real information. Failing that, at least a well written story with MAPS. Thanks!


ps: Has anyone at ReWilding read any of my stories pertaining to Myanmar in If no one else reads them I would still hope that old Tigre Dave and John Davis would, but I’m not sure my notifications are getting through

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