“A Sedimental Journey: Tracking Historic Dirt Downstream,” by Chris Bolgiano. Hosted by
Rewilding Leadership Council Member Chris Bolgiano
Chris Bolgiano is a freelance writer who has written extensively about Appalachian forests and culture, land use history, wildlife, and sustainable forestry.
Several of her six books have won literary prizes, as have various of her articles.
Her essays appear in a number of anthologies, and she has given talks at venues ranging from an unnamed commune in North Carolina to Penn State’s Forest Landowners Conference.
Chris' Articles on Rewilding.org
A Sedimental Journey: Tracking Historic Dirt Downstream
Forests: Repairing the Past, Defending the Future
“The situation with privately owned forests is one of extremely fragmented woodlands
The Grimm Brothers’ Worst Nightmare: Wolves Thriving in Germany
By Chris Bolgiano bo******@jm*.edu www.chrisbolgiano.com It was Grandparents Day last August at
Forest Forensics: Clues in the woods to historic crimes against nature, and the consequences today
Featured Image: Looking west from Big Schloss, George Washington National Forest, WV