Learn about Rewilding the Heartland on Feb. 28, 2023
Want to learn more about Heartland Rewilding, our mission, and plans for rewilding, reconnecting, and coexisting in the Mississippi River watershed? Come hear from Kelly Borgmann, our Programs & Outreach Manager on Tuesday, February 28 at the Des Moines Izaak Walton League in Iowa. The family-friendly event starts at 6:45 pm, is free, and is open to the public. We hope to see you there!
Heartland Rewilding’s mission is to reconnect and rewild Midwestern lands and promote compassionate and respectful coexistence across the Mississippi River Watershed through advocacy and education. Heartland Rewilding is a joint initiative of Project Coyote, The Rewilding Institute, and The Half-Earth Project. Learn more at heartlandrewilding.org.