Rewilding Bookstore
Read any good books lately? Here you will find recommendations from Rewilding founder Dave Foreman as well as works from prominent Rewilders from across the globe.
Wildeor: The Wild Life and Living Legacy of Dave Foreman
- Publisher: Essex Editions
- Editor: Susan Morgan & John C. Miles
- Available in: Paperback
- ISBN: 978-1-7335190-4-5
- Published: April 28, 2023
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$24.95 + $3 shipping
Book Packs

Dave with his skunk-in-the-garden-party hat © Nancy Morton
Uncle Dave's 4-Pack
Get 4 of Dave Foreman's books for just $60!
(+ $4 S/H)
- The Big Outside, by Dave Foreman
- Man Swarm and the Killing of Wildlife by Dave Foreman
- The Lobo Outback Funeral Home: A Novel by Dave Foreman
- Take Back Conservation by Dave Foreman
Domestic Shipping + $4
International Shipping + $25
Wild Spaces Book Pack

Get 3 Books By John Davis and John Miles for just $45!
(+ $4 S/H)
- Big, Wild, and Connected by John Davis
- Split Rock Wildway: Scouting the Adirondack Park’s Most Diverse Wildlife Corridor by John Davis
- Wilderness in National Parks: Playground or Preserve by John Miles (signed)
Domestic Shipping + $4
Outside USA Shipping + $25
The Whole Enchilada Book Pack!

Get 8 Books for just $135! (+ $4 S/H)
- Rewilding Earth Unplugged: Best of 2018
- Rewilding Earth: Best of 2019
- Big, Wild, and Connected by John Davis
- Split Rock Wildway: Scouting the Adirondack Park’s Most Diverse Wildlife Corridor by John Davis
- Wilderness in National Parks: Playground or Preserve by John Miles (signed)
- Man Swarm: How Overpopulation is Killing the Wild World by Dave Foreman
- The Lobo Outback Funeral Home: A Novel by Dave Foreman
- Take Back Conservation by Dave Foreman
Domestic Shipping + $4
Outside USA Shipping + $25
Rewilding Books by Dave Foreman, Founder, The Rewilding Institute

Rewilding North America: A Vision for Conservation in the21st Century by Dave Foreman. Unmatched for its deep, thorough look at extinction and how humans make it happen; what conservation biology teaches us about wild things and how to keep them wild; and a mind-opening vision for rewilding North America grounded in a North American Wildlands Network. Though Rewilding is not an academic book, it is being used as a text in nearly twenty colleges and universities. Island Press, 2004. 295 pages, index, footnotes, maps, tables. Paperback $35, Hardcover $60.
Man Swarm: How Overpopulation is Killing the Wild World by Dave Foreman, with Laura Carroll. The first edition of Man Swarm reached the conservationist community; in this new and updated edition, Dave Foreman and seasoned editor Laura Carroll expand the readership to the masses. Lays out how the overpopulation explosion is still with us, smartly challenges those who don't believe overpopulation is real, shows that overpopulation is solvable, takes an ecological stand on immigration and its reform in the U.S. as part of the solution, and gives tangible ways all people can be part of the solution. $26 Read More | Purchase
Take Back Conservation by Dave Foreman. Aldo Leopold wrote, “There are some who can live without wild things, and some who cannot.” Take Back Conservation is for those who cannot live without wild things, who are the heart and soul of the wilderness and wildlife conservation movement. Second in the For the Wild Things series of 5 books by The Rewilding Institute. Raven’s Eye Press, 2012, 375 pages, index, glossary. Paperback $25. Read More | Purchase
Man Swarm and the Killing of Wildlife by Dave Foreman. Man swarm is the main driver behind the biodiversity crisis—the greatest mass extinction since the dinosaurs ‘ demise, the scalping of hundreds of millions of acres of forest and other key wildlife habitat, and the atmospheric pollution by greenhouse gases leading to “Global Weirding.” Only by stabilizing human population worldwide and in the United States can we stop wrecking our home—Earth. Foreman outlines a sweep of practical steps we can take to bring our numbers down to what Earth can support—if we have the daring, boldness, and love of life to do it. OUT OF PRINT

The Lobo Outback Funeral Home: A Novel by Dave Foreman. Foreword by Doug Peacock (paperback only). Lobo is the only novel that tells the story of conservation from inside the conservation family. Set in southwestern New Mexico, it’s the tale of a tough, winsome conservation biologist, the wolves she loves and studies, the man who loves both her and the wolves but who can’t find the strength to make a commitment, and the wolf-hating local lowlifes and their rich rancher leader. Sex, violence, wolves, wilderness. 226 pages. Johnson Books, 2004, Paperback $15; University Press of Colorado, 2000, First Edition Hardcover $20.

The Big Outside: A Descriptive Inventory of the Big Wilderness Areas of the U. S. First Edition by Dave Foreman and Howie Wolke. Foreword by Michael Frome. A legendary, broad study of the big roadless areas in the United States: 100,000 acres and over in the West, 50,000 acres and over in the East (368 areas in all described). Includes Bob Marshall’s 1927 and 1936 roadless area inventories. Both the first and second editions of The Big Outside have long been out of print. 458 pages, photos, maps, research sources. Ned Ludd Books, 1988, First Edition, Paperback, $30.
Books by John Davis, Executive Director of The Rewilding Institute

$15.00 + $6 S/H
Split Rock Wildway: Scouting the Adirondack Park’s Most Diverse Wildlife Corridor
A rambling look at some of the charismatic and enigmatic wildlife thriving in the wooded hills and adjacent waterways linking Lake Champlain with the High Peaks.
Author John Davis and artist friends illustrate the ecological importance, conservation value, and natural beauty of the wildway and its many creatures.
Residents and visitors alike will grow a little closer to their permanent or occasional wild neighbors, from salamanders to sturgeon to raptors to moose, as they stroll through the pages of Split Rock Wildway.
This book is intended to help better protect the lands and waters of Split Rock Wildway and the larger Adirondack Park.
It is generously sponsored by Eddy Foundation, with a portion of sales benefiting Champlain Area Trails, Northeast Wilderness Trust, and other conservation groups.

$15.00 + $6 S/H
Big, Wild, and Connected
In 2011, adventurer and conservationist John Davis walked, cycled, skied, canoed, and kayaked on an epic 10-month, 7,600-mile journey that took him from the keys of Florida to a remote seashore in northeastern Quebec. Davis was motivated by a dream: to see a continent-long corridor conserved for wildlife in the eastern United States, especially for the large carnivores so critical to the health of the land.
In Big, Wild, and Connected, we travel the Eastern Wildway with Davis, viscerally experiencing the challenges large carnivores, with their need for vast territories, face in an ongoing search for food, water, shelter, and mates. On his self-propelled journey, Davis explores the wetlands, forests, and peaks that are the last strongholds for wildlife in the East. This includes strategically important segments of disturbed landscapes, from longleaf pine savanna in the Florida Panhandle to road-latticed woods of Pennsylvania.
Despite the challenges, Davis argues that creation of an Eastern Wildway is within our reach and would serve as a powerful symbol of our natural and cultural heritage.
Big, Wild, and Connected reveals Eastern landscapes through wild eyes, a reminder that, for the creatures with which we share the land, movement is as essential to life as air, water, and food. Davis’ journey shows that a big, wild, and connected network of untamed places is the surest way to ensure wildlife survival through the coming centuries.
Books by John Miles, Board Member of The Rewilding Institute

$25.00 + $6 S/H
Wilderness in National Parks
Wilderness in National Parks describes the complicated relationship between the National Park
Service and its policy goals of wilderness preservation and recreation. By examining the
overlapping and sometimes contradictory responsibilities of the Park Service and the National
Wilderness Preservation System, Miles finds the National Park Service still struggling to deal
with an idea that lies at the core of its mission yet complicates that mission. The National Park
Service’s ambivalence about wilderness is traced from its founding in 1916 to the turn of the
21st century and, while the public has perceived national parks as a permanently protected
wilderness resource, in reality this public confidence rests on shaky ground. This book reveals
the tension between the goals of providing recreational spaces for the American people and
leaving lands pristine and undeveloped for future generations.
Books by Friends of The Rewilding Institute

Moral Ground: Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril edited by Kathleen Dean Moore and Michael P. Nelson, Foreword by Desmond Tutu. Sweeping in depth, breadth, thought, and feeling, eighty women and men answer whether we have a “moral obligation to protect the future of a planet in peril.” Foreman’s short essay, “Wild Things for Their Own Sakes,” builds on Darwin and Leopold to be a bedrock stand for the inborn good of wild things. Others answer from inborn, humanistic, and practical overlooks. Among them are Barack Obama, John Paul II, Dalai Lama, Ursula Le Guin, Barbara Kingsolver, Terry Tempest Williams E. O. Wilson, Gary Snyder, and others from all over Earth. Trinity University Press, 2010, 478 pages, authors’ bios. Softcover $19.

The Way of Natural History edited by Thomas Lowe Fleischner. Once, biology was natural history and was done mostly in the field. Now biology is done indoor mostly by “lab rats.” In some universities, one can get biology degrees without doing anything outside. This fading of natural history is a harsh threat to our tie to wild things in wildlands and –seas and to our work to keep and bring back the whole Tree of Life. Fleischner, of Prescott College, and fellow biologists and conservationists call for coming home to the mindfulness of natural history. Foreman’s little essay, “Talking to Wild Things,” builds on Leopold to ask us to get out and meet our wild neighbors in wild neighborhoods as a fellow wayfarer wandering through without gall. Among the other twenty-one writers are Robert Aitken, Alison Deming, Kathleen Dean Moore, Bob Pyle, and Steve Trombulak. Trinity University Press, 2011, 218 pages, authors’ bios, Paperback, $17.

Continental Conservation: Scientific Foundations of Regional Reserve Networks edited by Michael Soulé and John Terborgh. Scientifically solid and highly readable, Continental Conservation is an anthology written by the top conservation biologists in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico explaining why conservation must be done on a continental scale. Covers the need for big predators, the need for big wilderness areas and how to best design them, the importance of wildlife movement linkages, ecological and evolutionary processes of wildlife, flooding, and predation, and much more. Soulé and Terborgh give a warmhearted, tough-minded call to save wild things and their wilderness homes. Island Press/Wildlands Project, 1999, 227 pages, index, footnotes, illustrations. Paperback, $29.
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