April 10, 2024 | By:

The Right to be Wild: A Mexican Gray Wolf Documentary

Madeleine Torneman’s film, The Right to be Wild, tells the story of the near extinction and return to the wild of the endangered Mexican Gray Wolf. Filmed largely within the scenic Mexican wolf recovery area in the Southwest, her documentary highlights people who played critical roles in recovering the Lobos of the Southwest and emphasizes the beauty and ecological importance of wolves.

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Joanne Kendrick
16 days ago

This was an educational, inspiring, and great documentary about the Mexican Gray Wolf. Blessings to those who work to save and protect the endangered Mexican Gray Wolf. May they survive.

13 days ago

Other than “Great film!” my only comment is that ranchers and their damn cattle are the problem, and not just for wolves. There is NO WAY to have huge non-native animals like cattle in the western U.S. without doing massive ecological damage and killing native wildlife. The cattle need to be removed, and placating ranchers is not the answer to anything.

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