April 19, 2024 | By:

Episode 123: Who Pays for Conservation, Being the Lorax, and Introducing A New Voice For Western Lands Conservation

About Today’s Guests

George Wuerthner, Tobacco Root Mountains, Montana

George Wuerthner (President, Sage Steppe Wild) – George is a professional photographer, writer, and ecologist. He has visited hundreds of mountain ranges around the West, more than 400 wilderness areas, more than 200 national park units, and every national forest west of the Mississippi. George is the author of 38 books on environmental issues and natural history including Welfare Ranching, Wildfire: A Century of Failed Forest Policy, Energy: The Delusion of Endless Growth and Overdevelopment, Thrillcraft, and Keeping the Wild. His most recent publication is Protecting the Wild.

Jonathan Ratner, Director, Sage Steppe Wild

Jonathan Ratner (Director, Sage Steppe Wild) – Jonathan has extensive knowledge of federal land management agency methods and practice, with a specialty in public lands livestock grazing. He has been monitoring and commenting on grazing cases in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado for the last 20 years. Prior to that he studied endangered species such as the grizzly bear, lynx, wolverine, and marten for the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team, the US Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management.

  • Who funds most conservation and environmental groups and how funders can knock organizations off mission.
  • The difficulties of having a no-compromise policy when it comes to mission and funding.
  • An old, treasured conservation news source gets a new life.
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Paul Hughes
9 months ago

Excellent presentation. I’ve been a huge fan of George’s work for many years, and use and recommend “A Wildfire Reader” frequently. Also his “Keeping the Wild” was a shocking eye-opener about the emerging “Anthropocene” threat to wilderness and to traditional conservation. It gives me hope that the new Sage Steppe Wild outfit has leaders that are fighting against anthropocentrism and compromise politics.
Paul Hughes, Forests Forever, Berkeley

James Carrell
1 month ago

“Conservation” is not “Consumerism”. UNTIL we can figure that out, nothing will change.
Public Lands are just that PUBLIC LANDS!!!!! Not Ranch Land, NOT Billionaires Club, PUBLIC !!!!!
GOD BLESS PAUL WATSON . Thank God SOMEBODY has the Courage to stand up for OUR PLANET, AND OUR WILDLIFE.
Whaling is evil. Sorry, i do not care about Your traditions, about the way things have always been.
Our World NEEDS defenders .
I really HATE the ideology of “Colonialism”. Guess what, WE ARE ALL COLONIZERS…….including the Indigenous peoples.
Segregating us into Warring Factions is defeatist and dangerous.
Not a big fan of people killing animals or our planet.
The truth is, we all need each other. And we all need this planet, and the Wildlife here.

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