December 11, 2013 | By:
Dave Parsons at the

Why Wolves? – David Parsons

A few weeks ago Dave Parsons, TRI’s Carnivore Conservation Biologist,  gave a lecture in Santa Fe for a program called Science Cafe for Young Thinkers sponsored by the Santa Fe Alliance for Science. The lecture is about wolf ecology and trophic cascades explained at a high school level.

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Billiette Grigsby
11 years ago

Excellent, very informative and scientifically-based with multiple studies to back up all facts. It has made me even more upset with all these hunters who just kill without understanding the damage they do. Will man never learn that when you indiscriminately kill without understanding you are hurting every species as well as the health of the land it’s self? It proves any idiot can kill without understanding the damage they do.

Cindy Roper
11 years ago

great presentation as always Dave! Thanks TRI, for sharing.

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