Michelle L. Lute, Board Member

Michelle L. Lute, Board Member

Michelle Lute is Co-Executive Director of Wildlife for All. A conservation scientist and advocate with fifteen years’ experience in biodiversity conservation on public and private lands around the globe, she dedicates her professional life to promoting human-wildlife coexistence through effective public engagement, equitable participatory processes, and evidence-based decision-making.

Born the daughter of a fourth-generation farmer in the Great Lakes, Michelle’s love for all things wild began at the fringes of human-dominated landscapes. From cornfield to classroom, her explorations of human interactions with non-human animals instilled an enduring belief that compassionate coexistence is not only possible but essential for our increasingly hot, hungry, and crowded world.

Michelle has successfully ended the use of lethal tools in locales across America and documented strong public and expert support for coexistence. Michelle also dedicates time to roaming wild public lands and chasing live music and adventures abroad.

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