Global Charter for Rewilding the Earth
Vance Martin, President of the WILD Foundation, a global conservation organization based in Boulder, Colorado, presents the “Global Charter for Rewilding the Earth.” Tom Butler, charter member of the Rewilding Leadership Council guest-edited the Charter. Read the Charter, the Appendix, and the comments here.
Vance writes in The Ecological Citizen, where this was first published, “The ‘Global Charter for Rewilding the Earth’ was produced through the planning process for the 11th World Wilderness Congress (WILD11) and adopted by its resolutions committee on behalf of the delegates. Originally scheduled to convene in Jaipur, India, in March 2020, WILD11 was indefinitely postponed owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Charter is a movement-generated product. A small group of independent professionals were asked to draft such a vision document, to garner diverse, expert global review, to solicit endorsing organizations, and, ultimately, to submit it with supporting documents to the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration.”
The WILD Foundation has provided comments on behalf of the informal Global Alliance of Expert Rewilding Practitioners unified through this Global Charter, launched on April 16, 2020.
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The Rewilding Institute (TRI) mission is to explore and share tactics and strategies to advance continental-scale conservation and restoration in North America and beyond. We focus on the need for large carnivores and protected wildways for their movement; and we offer a bold, scientifically credible, practically achievable, and hopeful vision for the future of wild Nature and human civilization on planet Earth. Subscribe | Support