“With jaguars now breeding successfully without assistance, the species is
“The best arguments in the world won’t change a person’s mind. The only
After wildfires that razed nearly 60% of Iberá National Park and 13% of the provincial
Following the country’s first large-scale importation for rewilding, 40 red-footed
In early 2022, the legislature of Tierra del Fuego is slated to vote on a proposal
Watch Jatobazhino’s release here! After jaguars went locally extinct in Corrientes
After jaguars went locally extinct in Corrientes Province 70 years ago, one of the
Jonathan Franklin, A Wild Idea, New York: HarperOne, 2021. Reviewed by John Miles, Rewilding
All photos courtesy of TC Chile and Rewilding Argentina Tompkins Conservation Chile Camera
TOMPKINS CONSERVATION CHILE Fourteen Darwin’s rheas released in Patagonia National