March 15, 2019 | By:

Episode 20: Public Lands Grazing with George Wuerthner

George Wuerthner

George Wuerthner is a professional photographer, writer and ecologist. He has written more than two dozen books on natural history and other environmental topics. He is currently the ecological projects director for the Foundation for Deep Ecology. Wuerthner has visited hundreds of mountain ranges around the West, more than 380 wilderness areas, more than 180 national park units, and every national forest west of the Mississippi.

George’s Books: On Amazon


  • What is public lands grazing?
  • The true cost of public lands grazing
  • The heavy subsidies and hidden hard and ecological costs of private businesses benefitting from public lands
  • Grazing Permit Buyouts
  • The big differences between arid western public lands grazing and beef production in the wetter eastern states

Extra Credit: Get an on-the-ground view of the clash between livestock and wildlife in George’s article: Wildlife Versus Livestock in the Upper Green

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