Editor’s note: Given without notes or outline, this Campfire is Dave’s
Much has been made lately of the so-called Anthropocene—the idea that Homo sapiens
(Note: This edition of Around the Campfire is adapted from my new book, The Great
Right before World War Two, conservation and resourcism were friendlier than they
Whenever a little pile of bullshit is dumped by the mainstream media, other media,
One Third of the Nation’s Land was the title of the report of the congressionally
At our last get-together around this campfire, I went through the heartbreak of the
© Dave Foreman The last time we gathered around this ol’ campfire, I told the
©2013 by Dave Foreman Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the signing of the
Sitting about an earlier Campfire, I spun the tale of how the great eastern forest